Friday, July 30, 2010

A Visit to Japanese elementary school

I haven't been able to update my blog for two weeks now, but I'm about to give all the details of what has been going on with my life.

On July 16th (Fri) our entire Japanese class went to a local Japanese elementary local to
become one-day teachers to the kids.

July 17-19
July 19 (Monday) was 海の日 (Marine Day), a national holiday in Japan.
Twelve of our Tokyo crew took a weekend trip to Atami, known for its beach and Onsen (Japanese hot spring)

July 23 (Friday)
I climbed Mt. Fuji (the tallest mountain in Japan!) with several friends.

I think I will start with the elementary school first.

One of the cutest things in Japan other than Pokemon, Totoro, and other small Japanese animation characters is the children. I have never really understood Lolitas before
but upon seeing how adorable these children are even I felt the urge to pack one of these children into my suitcase back home.

My theme of the day was "Halloween Party." Apparently, it is common for Japanese people to think that Americans eat pumpkins on Halloween. I asked the kids to draw a costume they would wear if they went trick-or-treating on Halloween, and what I got back was
pages full of ghosts and pumpkins. I promise I did tell them that they can be anything
they want for Halloween like Spiderman or princess.

I was in charge of 1st grade; the expression of children's innocence always fascinates me.
I know I was once a seven-year-old too, but I guess people always find youthful innocence of childhood nostalgic because they know that they can never go back again.

Another interesting experience was eating きゅうしょく(Kyoosyoku: Japanese school lunch).
The food was surprisingly really good. I think I could have easily finished another serving.

I will update my Atami & Fuji experience shortly....

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. That school lunch looks pretty darn good (I mean, considering what one might expect otherwise)...
