Sunday, April 10, 2011

Why I love Beijing

My German friend Marcus surrounded by five Asian ladies
Beijing is a curious place.
It's a magnet for all kinds of people around the world. I love Beijing because it gives me the freedom to explore all different types of people trying out a new culture, new language, and new environment.

Just this weekend, my friend Gala, who I met while traveling Europe last year, came over from Mongolia. Then, I introduced her to some of my international friends in Beijing who I happened to be hanging around with that night.

We ordered some Calzones and pizza, rocked some Chinese hiphop beats in the house, and were dancing salsa and tango in the living room. At one point during the night, I looked up and I realized that I was surrounded by three beautiful Mongolian girls, one German who wants to start a Chinese pillow business, one Australian studying Chinese Medicine in Beijing and his Taiwanese girlfriend, two racecar racers from Holland of Chinese descent, and a Chinese girl who is ethnically Korean.

I can't think of a single other city where this is possible.

Then there's the fashion world. People in Beijing, I admit are not the most fashionable people that you can find out there. But the market here is flowering, and I am so excited to be part of this growth and change. My new job as the brand marketing representative at Lee Coopers in Sanlitun is giving me a lot of playroom to engage Chinese customers and also learn how to position and establish a brand in the Chinese market. Just the other day, I went into the store and talked with who bunch of Chinese customers, giving them advice on styling and fashion.

Many of them were very receptive to my recommendations, and I realized that often times people only needs a little push to find a new style. Their desire and will to become more fashionable are already there, but they are apprehensive to try something new.

As Brand Ambassador @ Lee Coopers

Lee Coopers, the oldest denim brand in Europe that started in 1908

My Mongolian friend Gala and me at the store

I love Beijing because it allows me to be who I want to be while having access to influence people all around the world.

I love Beijing because it connects people of all different interests and capabilities.

I love Beijing because I have established some of the most special relationships with people that I am fortunate to have in my life right now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan,

    I really enjoy reading your blogposts because I can never travel as much anymore and I can now live vicariously through your adventures. Keep blogging! :)
